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  1. Greetings all, Since this seems to be a potential replacement for dear old wargamerau I figured I would come across and continue the painting madness from there. For those of you familiar (thanks for reading) for those of you who are not and want a glimpse into what this is all about please refer to this link: http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=93&t=152339 Edit: SInce WargamerAU is totally gone now, for the rest of this blog you can check out - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/521618.page as it is pretty much the same as waht was on WargamerAU. I will probably migrate some older pictures across to add to this first post (maybe finished army shots and the intended lists) but definitely will not be bringing it all over....... Stay tuned for more. Thanks for reading.
  2. Big and I are planning a large 40k game later this year, similar to what we did this time last year. At that time I was inspired by his Deathguard to redo my own scions of Nurgle and have spent many hours doing this. They are now a sniff away from being complete so we thought about combining our Deathguard armies and pitting them against a combination of Imperial guard and Astartes in a game sprawling across a fourteen foot table. We should have a few friends who are willing to help out. In our game last year, the Imperial players fielded a Shadowsword. It was brutal. Though I was playing on the chaos side, I have fond memories of watching it obliterate a Deathguard land raider in one shot. Targeting the Deathguard meant it was no longer shooting at my Iron warriors who had already been on the receiving end of much pain from its volcano cannon. We, on the chaos side had nothing to counter it, but I did recall that I had a warhound titan sitting in box in the garage. Now that the plans for a game this year are going ahead, it is time to get the titan assembled and painted. The kit itself is not fantastic quality. I seem to recall receiving it as payment for commission painting many years ago, but the details are hazy. My Deathguard are very rusty and corroded so I'm hoping to use my collection of weathering powders to hide the imperfections in the casting. Nurgle hobby is very forgiving. Many warhounds appear to be very hunched and look like they are about to fall flat on their face. I'm hoping to avoid this, and have a unique pose. I always like models to appear to be interactive with the terrain they are on. This one will be on a rocky base (let's face facts, it will probably only ever see one game), that will be built up around the titan's feet. It is hard to know where to start with this project, but I think I have settled on constructing the feet/legs/hips first then attaching it to the base. The weapons, head and carapace will be done as sub assemblies. I'm not planning on painting the interior, preferring it to be sealed shut. The toes will be pinned, but kept movable to allow for better conformity with the terrain when I get to that stage. The end of June is my deadline for assembly.
  3. Modelling diaries have been a challenge for me. The rigmarole of getting photos into posts has always annoyed me. Any time spent on this activity is time that could have been spent painting or playing. With this new website, getting the photos into the post is much easier so I intend to have a better go at it. Kings of War, X Wing and 40k are the main games that I play, but often I just paint something different for no other reason than I enjoy it. That being said, having a reason to paint something in particular always motivates me to get it done. Lately, that reason has been a slow 40k campaign that Big and I have created. He has chronicled this in his modelling diary so I won’t repeat it all here. The basic story is that two opposing Inquisitors (Tasetus and Dile) have set down on a verdant green planet in order to search for STC fragments amongst the ruins of an old imperial city. Tasetus is a bit of a Puritan. Dile is a bit more . . . free spirited. Tasetus has some help from both the Iron Hands and Imperial Guard. Dile has commandeered multiple Astartes units to achieve his goals. His story follows shortly. Big had already put together pretty much everything he required to get going, while I only had two units of marines done. Essentially I had to build an army to get going. Fortunately, the planet on which the fun takes place was teeming with life so we played with Tasetus making planet fall first (while I hastily prepared Dile and co).
  4. Mark here in Upper North Shore, Sydney. I mainly play 40K, KILL TEAM and EPIC: ARMAGEDDON, but also D&D, STAR WARS RPG and ALIEN RPG (I'm usually the DM for my mates, but happy to be a player also), but I'm happy to play just about anything. I'm 48, so adult players preferred. If you're in my neck of the woods and interested in setting up something regular (or even semi-regular), let me know. 🙂
  5. My goal for this year is to complete jungle terrain for a 40k campaign that Big and I are running. It is a home grown, story driven campaign that sees two rival inquisitors, Tasetus and Ono Dile looking for STC fragments on a verdant jungle world. Tasetus has allies in the form of the Iron Hands and Imperial Guard. Dile has his own mix of Astartes drawn from various chapters. The terrain will largely be scratch built and will complement what I have already made. At the very least I plan to create a river section with removable bridge, several more jungle features, an overgrown communications bunker, a few heavy bolter turrets and some Tau terrain (Gun rig and drone port). The Tau themselves will be a secondary antagonist during the campaign. My plan is to use the units that I like the look of, and those that I already have. Fortunately there is a lot of overlap in these. Nothing much is assembled so far, just a handful of kroot. The colour scheme for the Tau will be based on a Tau super heavy assault walker that I put together a few years back. Unfortunately I don't recall the precise colours used, but should be able to get reasonably close. My chosen charity is Wires. If I am lucky enough to win a cash prize, they will be scoring a donation.
  6. For background, the Dornian Heresy is an alternative heresy created by the members of the bolterandchainsword.com. The white scars fall to slaanesh (info here: https://dornianheresy.fandom.com/wiki/White_Scars). At this stage most of the army is in planning but I have bought most of the base parts for centaur daemon khan, butI am still waiting for it to come in. As far as further plans, the idea is to build a crusade list of true scale models that can double as a 30k army list as well. I am still playing with the crusade list (which is the pledge) but the pledge is currently 10 veteran marines, 10 terminators and 6 bikes, 1 terminator storm seer (sorceror) and the khan (the concept art I'm working off is below). Edit: So I'm pretty sure I have now worked out the list that works for both 40k Crusade Games and 30k (only 1500pts but I'm not committing to anything more while still working on other projects). Either a Patrol or a Primarch's Chosen force. Daemon Khan (Khan on Jetbike or Lord Disco for 40k) Cataphrachtii Storm Seer (Librarian in Cataphrachtii or Sorcerer in Terminator Armour) 10x Veterans in modified Mk II (Veteran Tacticals or CSM for 40k) 10x Cataphrachtii Terminators (Legion Terminators in Cataphrachtii or Chaos Terminators) 6x Hussars with Rotor Cannons (Hussars with Rotor Cannons or CSM Bikes) Current Modelling Plans: So I have this arriving shortly from Txarli Factory, which I am going to combine with a 1/35 scale cavalry model (which I will need to seriously bulk up) to form the base for my daemon khan. Beyond that I will need to do some serious work to get the posing and details right on both, before I also organise a heavy bolter/autocannon thing for him (though I might steal it off an old model of mine that is still very WIP). Beyond that Txarli also do a MkII conversion kit at primaris scale which I plan to combine with a pile of 3rd party and regular intercessor bits to build my veterans. For the bikes I intend to heavily modify a couple of units of primaris outriders into wearing Mk 4 (not particularly hard and also have a fair bit of experience with the kits). The terminators are going to be the hardest part of this (besides Khan) as the current plan is to use Aquilon Custodes as a base. Edit 2: As far as period, I am thinking during or post siege so the corruption is present but the mutations are scarce. DAEMON Khan Art
  7. Hey Lads, I've been engrossed by Dechala Lilac ever since it dropped and have been looking for any excuse to use it. Tried it with Tyranids; Then Dark Eldar; Neither seemed to suit. Finally settled on Craftworlds Eldar; Its a bear of a colour to use, takes about three layers to get a good opaque finish. Still experimenting with best process for the paintjob, also not certain about the gold/bronze. Keen for feedback from y'all
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