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Perth Gamers and the Hammer of Old


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Great to see the new form of WargamerAU!

Some of us players of old editions of WHFB in Perth have got together to play in a league/tale of X gamers. And I figured “what better than to talk about old games than a forum?”

It initially started on Facebook, but it’d be good to have a permanent presence somewhere too. I’m encouraging anyone who’s joined to come and post their armies and battle reports on here. 

So here’s what we are doing:

—Playing games of WHFB 7th edition, but using 6th edition army books or Ravening Hordes.

—2 months between rounds, starting with a 500 point army to be ready by 20 April. 

—2 months later 1000 points, then 1500, then 2000.

—Once your army is ready, play as many games as you want. We can help you organise if need be.

—Lists are open and games are friendly, it’s an excuse to paint some old models and play some games and get the old/middlehammer community together. 

—Maybe finish off with an event of some kind, like a mega battle, siege or games day.

So that’s it. I’m running Wood Elves, and I’ll be posting up pics as I go. 



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I'm building a Night Goblin force for this. I picked some up about a year ago with the intention of playing some Age of Sigmar but they sat around until the start of this year.  Someone mentioned Oldhammer and I realised I don't really want to play Gloomspite Gits, what I actually want to play is old school Night Goblins. 

Thanks to the wonders of contrast paints and a bit of drybrushing I've got about 140 painted so far this year.  About half still need basing but it's a solid start.

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14 hours ago, dabigboss said:

That's a Monday?


That's just the target you should aim for with painting your army, the games can then be played any time in the next two months.

We've got a facebook group going too, if you want to be added to that let me know, all the main announcements will be there.

Edited by Orange
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11 hours ago, Orange said:

That's just the target you should aim for with painting your army, the games can then be played any time in the next two months.

We've got a facebook group going too, if you want to be added to that let me know, all the main announcements will be there.

Please add me!

It'll be a good excuse to pull out my old boxes and fix up some Wolfriders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my first game in last night. 

At 500 points it was just a quick fling to muddle through the rules. 

I took:

Hero with bow and spear

10 Glade Guard FC

2 x 8 Dryads with champs



Tom took:

Hero with some nifty armour

10 Thunderers

10 Quarrellers



We both took pot shots across the table at each other while my eagle snuck up the side, but Tom made the first move by dashing his gyro across the table and getting a bunch of dryads under his steam cannon template. But he rolled terribly, and the one dryad he hit made his ward save.

I decided to ignore the gyro with the dryads as it could just flee if I charged it, so one unit got in the flank of the thunderers while the other went up the front. The eagle snuck behind the quarrellers. I was set up for a charge next turn.

My archers opened fire on the gyrocopter, but didn’t scratch it. 

The gyro couldn’t resist a steam cannon on a row of archers, and devastated them. With only my hero and two archers left, they fled off the table. But the gyro was now in charge range of the other dryads, and couldn’t flee without serious risk of going off the table.

The dwarfs shot again, but yet again didn’t scratch the dryads.

So the charges came—I didn’t do many wounds, but one combat after the other I won by one or two, and Tom’s unit fled. So by the end of the turn, his whole army was gone. Small games are brutal, especially when not one unit in the whole game passes a leadership test!

Great to get back in the saddle, we’ve still got a bit of work to do on our armies but it’s coming together.




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