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[Project 2021] True Scale Dornian Heresy White Scars - Unleash the Horny Mongols


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For background, the Dornian Heresy is an alternative heresy created by the members of the bolterandchainsword.com. The white scars fall to slaanesh (info here: https://dornianheresy.fandom.com/wiki/White_Scars). At this stage most of the army is in planning but I have bought most of the base parts for centaur daemon khan, butI am still waiting for it to come in. As far as further plans, the idea is to build a crusade list of true scale models that can double as a 30k army list as well. I am still playing with the crusade list (which is the pledge) but the pledge is currently 10 veteran marines, 10 terminators and 6 bikes, 1 terminator storm seer (sorceror) and the khan (the concept art I'm working off is below).

Edit: So I'm pretty sure I have now worked out the list that works for both 40k Crusade Games and 30k (only 1500pts but I'm not committing to anything more while still working on other projects).

Either a Patrol or a Primarch's Chosen force.

Daemon Khan (Khan on Jetbike or Lord Disco for 40k)

Cataphrachtii Storm Seer (Librarian in Cataphrachtii or Sorcerer in Terminator Armour)

10x Veterans in modified Mk II (Veteran Tacticals or CSM for 40k)

10x Cataphrachtii Terminators (Legion Terminators in Cataphrachtii or Chaos Terminators)

6x Hussars with Rotor Cannons (Hussars with Rotor Cannons or CSM Bikes)


Current Modelling Plans:

spacer.pngSo I have this arriving shortly from Txarli Factory, which I am going to combine with a 1/35 scale cavalry model (which I will need to seriously bulk up) to form the base for my daemon khan. Beyond that I will need to do some serious work to get the posing and details right on both, before I also organise a heavy bolter/autocannon thing for him (though I might steal it off an old model of mine that is still very WIP).


Beyond that Txarli also do a MkII conversion kit at primaris scale which I plan to combine with a pile of 3rd party and regular intercessor bits to build my veterans. For the bikes I intend to heavily modify a couple of units of primaris outriders into wearing Mk 4 (not particularly hard and also have a fair bit of experience with the kits). The terminators are going to be the hardest part of this (besides Khan) as the current plan is to use Aquilon Custodes as a base.

Edit 2: As far as period, I am thinking during or post siege so the corruption is present but the mutations are scarce.



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For reference the other projects I am working on are as follows:

- The 63rd Australis Airborne 'Drop Bears' and Co Crusade Force (1st Photo, they are a drop troopers regiment of imperial guard based on Aussies in Vietnam)

- The Second Warhost, Emperor's Spears Crusade Force (2nd Photo)


- 1st Company, Crimson Thorns (A homebrew chapter of all bikes



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Slight addendum because I've already realised that I'm not going to come anywhere close to the goal either with hobby time (everything is going to be fairly time intensive so...)or money to spend on it. My friends are allowing me to use some homebrew rules for daemon khan in crusade, so my year's goal is to finish 5 terminators, the terminator storm seer, khan and 10 veterans. Also unrelated but this is the link to my current working document for the homebrew rules, he is going to be 24 PL. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqMiM1Cndzy_gcCVtOmk0VPlemocAwKIL_mOzXcmrn8/edit?usp=drivesdk

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So my base model for khan came in (yay) though turns out I completely failed with the horse scale for the bottom half so it is going to be significant, slow work to get it bulked up to size... Wish me luck lols.


Edit: Need some opinions, I like this helmet but I also feel like I should modify the helmet less head to give it the horns. Additionally, I feel like I need to do something with the sword as it doesn't scream daemon primarch to me... So I'm looking for ideas?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all sorry for lack of updates, I have just moved house. After consulting Facebook, reddit and even some of my hobby mates a couple of decisions have been made regarding the Khan. Firstly, I am currently in the process of making the sword both bigger and a bit more fancy and less "just a katana", which has the rough shape worked out and carded before I start sculpting. The plan is to turn the sword into a hybrid of a nine ring broadsword (chinese), the katana (mainly the blade shape) and the more traditional Mongolian sabre or tulwar (mainly going to be in the hilt and pommel but I haven't started that work yet). Secondly, it was suggested to 3d print an oni head in the right size and then modify that to give it a bit of a different slant and I like that idea so I am going to run with it. Thirdly, thanks to the wonderful art of @paint_newb on instagram (attached) I'm going to add some more details to the khan body, mainly in replacing his fairly boring left shoulder pad and probably adding some fur.



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  • 1 month later...

So my parts finally came in. Decided to mix them with the new CSM kit to get a more late heresy feel to them. About to start laying down some base colours on the first of them (I'm risking not putting colours down on a test model but I also want to get a 4 man killteam painted for a friendly event coming up so expediency is key) but pictured are a unit of destroyers with toxiferran flamer or a unit of raptors with Flamer and a unit of Veteran tacticals with heavy bolter or just a unit of CSM with heavy bolter. The rest of the plan for my force is the same, I haven't done much more on the Khan himself as I am still doing some slow sculpting work and waiting on massive amounts of inspiration/ enthusiasm to hit to take me away from other projects.













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While I'm here, might as well double post... So paint wise I have a number of examples to go off. The obvious bits are the Incorporation of gold, purple and black into the standard white and black scheme of the scars. I'm still planning to keep the red ordu markings as well, mainly because I feel like I can't do scars without some red but also because I want to still use a modification of the scars destroyer theme. With that in mind, I'm thinking that I'll go for black on the cloth, gold for most of the trim, purple flames and red ordu markings and legion symbol, while the destroyers will be the same but the ordu markings will be white instead and legion symbol will be in gold. They might end up too messy though and it is going to seriously push me with my free hand but I'm looking forward to the challenge.



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